October 25, 2022
Pocket parks to add greenery in Tianhe
Guangzhou's Tianhe district is planning to build its second batch of 14 pocket and community parks, which will cover a total area of 42,508.4 square meters.
October 24, 2022
Science popularization exhibition tour opens in Tianhe
A science population exhibition tour recently kicked off at Tianfu Road Primary School in Guangzhou's Tianhe district.
October 21, 2022
Going deeper into China's modernization drive
The Communist Party of China has named modernization as the "central task" for the country's next five years and beyond at its 20th National Congress.
October 21, 2022
Tianhe's education develops over past decade
Over the past decade, Guangzhou's Tianhe district has been focusing on developing a strong education system.
October 20, 2022
Tianhe CPPCC members help rural vitalization efforts
An activity to help with rural vitalization efforts in areas that Guangzhou's Tianhe district is paired with to support their development was carried out at T.I.T Smart Zone in Tianhe on Oct 14.
October 19, 2022
Key takeaways from the report to 20th congress
The Communist Party of China unveiled its blueprint for building a modern socialist China in all respects for the next five years and beyond as the 20th CPC National Congress opened on Sunday.
October 19, 2022
34 Tianhe enterprises make Guangdong's top 500 list
A total of 34 enterprises from Guangzhou's Tianhe district made the list of the top 500 enterprises in Guangdong province in 2022.
October 18, 2022
Tianhe ranks 2nd on top 100 Guangdong districts, counties list
Guangzhou's Tianhe district ranked second on the list of the top 100 districts and counties in Guangdong province in 2022.
October 17, 2022
Metaverse digital art innovation base unveiled in Tianhe
The metaverse digital art research and innovation base was unveiled in Guangzhou's Tianhe district on Oct 12.
October 17, 2022
Highlights from Xi's report to 20th CPC National Congress
Xi Jinping delivered a report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on Sunday. Here are some highlights.
October 14, 2022
How does the CPC build friendships around the world?
There's a worn-out Red Army cap kept in a Chinese museum. It is seen as a symbol of friendship between a leader of the Communist Party of China and a foreigner. Moreover, it also shows how the Party can win support and friends from the world.