Shipai celebrates birth of sea goddess Updated: May 16, 2023

[Video/WeChat account: tianhefabu]

The parade to celebrate the birth of Mazu, a revered goddess of the sea, took place in Shipai village, Guangzhou's Tianhe district on the 23rd day of the third lunar month, or May 12.

The goddess is widely respected in China, as she safeguards fishermen's lives. The custom of paying respects to Mazu in Shipai dates back to the early Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Common wishes are related to good weather, peace and prosperity, and good fortune.


This year's parade is the biggest of its kind in history, and consists of a Shipai lion dance performance team, the group of community elders, the tribute food team, the local dancing team, and the five-colored flag team, among others. [Photo/WeChat account: tianhefabu]


The Cantonese Opera team and the dragon and lion dance teams of Shipai Elementary School also participate in the parade, allowing students to feel the charm of traditional Chinese culture. [Photo/WeChat account: tianhefabu]


The parade attracts many villagers to watch and take pictures. [Photo/WeChat account: tianhefabu]