3 Tianhe projects designated city-level ICH items

en.thnet.gov.cn Updated: November 17, 2022

The Guangzhou municipal government recently released the eighth batch of 48 city-level intangible cultural heritage items, of which three are from Tianhe district.


Lingnan pressed flower art is one of the important schools of the pressed flower art, which can be dated back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It is a traditional art with rich skills and wide application, ranging from material selection and collection to drying and storage to design, collage, and sealing decoration. [Photo/WeChat account: tianhefabu]


Guangzhou gongfu tea has a history of more than 300 years and its development coincides with the Sino-Western trade history of Guangzhou tea. It preserves a complete set of traditional tea folk customs, with norms in making, drinking, and serving tea. [Photo/WeChat account: tianhefabu]


Wong Fei-hung Hung Kuen developed from Huang Fei-hung's comprehensive arrangement of Hung Kuen and has a history of 150 years. Huang Dasheng, the third-generation inheritor of Lam Sai-wing (1861-1942), a student of Wong Fei-hung, has been teaching Hung Kuen at Niuligang, Yuancun Workers' Cultural Palace, Shipai sub-district, and Dongfeng Park in Tianhe district since 1969. [Photo/WeChat account: tianhefabu]