Notification of Lifting Restrictions in Chebei Subdistrict, Tianhe District

GZFAO Updated: April 28, 2022

Upon the comprehensive assessment of the current COVID-19 situation, starting from 12:00 pm on April 26, 2022, containment measures were lifted in No 2 and No 4 Guangdan Beihuan Street (lockdown zones); No 1, No 3, and No 5 Guangdan Beihuan Street (partial lockdown zones); and the area encircled by Jianming Third Road in the east, Jianming Fifth Road in the west, Tiankun Second Road in the south, and Tiankun Third Road in the north (restricted zones).

The "lifting of restrictions" doesn't mean we aren't taking preventative measures. We ask residents to continue to support and cooperate with the COVID-19 control and prevention work, wear masks, wash their hands often, keep their home well-ventilated, avoid gatherings, take PCR tests, get vaccinated, and jointly safeguard personal and public health and safety. If you develop any symptoms, such as fever or dry cough, please report it to your community and seek medical help at the nearest fever clinic immediately.

Notification is hereby given.

Tianhe District COVID-19 Control and Prevention Command Center

April 26, 2022