Association aids development of Tianhe's incubation carriers Updated: April 18, 2022

The second session of the Second Council of the Tianhe District Maker Incubation Promotion Association recently took place at the International Guangzhou Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Tianhe Base.

Ren Yong, chairman of the promotion association, detailed the association's achievements in 2021 and set working targets for 2022 at the meeting.

Last year, 32 incubation carriers, such as Guangzhou Gongfu Jinnong Incubator Management and Guangzhou Yuan'ou Technology Business Incubator, became the association's newest members.

The association reached cooperation with the China Academy of Industrial Internet, as well as built the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Exchange Center and the Guangdong Incubation Achievements Exhibition and Exchange Center together with the Guangdong provincial and the Guangzhou municipal incubator associations to offer better services for the high-quality development of maker spaces and incubators in Tianhe.

In cooperation with Southern Metropolis Daily, it undertook the 2021 performance evaluation of Tianhe technology innovation carrier's high-quality development. This Tianhe experience provided a sample for Guangzhou.

In 2022, the association will enhance its communication with the provincial and municipal associations, strengthen exchanges with members, as well as better its services, said Ren.

It will help operators of entrepreneurship and innovation carriers attract investment through activities like training courses and match-making meetings.

It will also integrate all kinds of resources to provide better services for enterprises in the district in terms of investment, financing, talent recruitment, intellectual property, and taxation.

In addition, an entrepreneurship mentor library will be built to strengthen contacts among universities, research institutes, incubation carriers, and enterprises.