1 person quarantined in Tianhe tests positive for COVID-19

GZFAO Updated: March 21, 2022

On March 18, the Tianhe district reported that an asymptomatic case was detected among the close contacts under quarantine. The details are as follows:

The patient, a 35-year-old woman, is the wife of case 1 reported on March 16. As a close contact, she was placed under quarantine on the morning of March 16 and tested negative. On March 17, her COVID-19 test result came back positive, and the patient was immediately transported to No 8 Affiliated Hospital, Guangzhou Medical University for treatment. On March 18, the medical treatment experts studied the clinical and imaging manifestations, as well as the laboratory test results, and concluded that the patient had an asymptomatic case of COVID-19.

For all residents, please strengthen personal protection and abide by measures, such as scanning and presenting the Suikang Code and carrying out regular COVID-19 testing. Please closely monitor your health. If you experience fever, fatigue, dry cough, and other COVID-19 related symptoms, you are advised to seek professional medical advice at the nearest fever clinic. You are also advised to stay updated with the COVID-19 control and prevention measures, as well as the color of your health code. Please cooperate with the government's testing conducted for people linked to possible exposure sites.

Guangzhou Tianhe district COVID-19 control and prevention command center

March 18, 2022