Tianhe justice bureau receives national honorary title

en.thnet.gov.cn Updated: February 16, 2022

The Tianhe district justice bureau was recently granted the title of "National Advanced Unit in Law-based Governance Creation Activities for 2016-20 Period" by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Ministry of Justice.

It is the only unit in Guangzhou to win this honorary title.

Since 2016, the Tianhe district justice bureau has been improving its working mechanism. By the end of 2021, two national demonstration communities for democracy and the rule of law have been established in Tianhe district, as well as one provincial-level legal culture-themed park, four provincial demonstration communities for democracy and the rule of law, seven provincial-level legal culture construction demonstration enterprises, and 220 provincial democratic and legal communities.


A sculpt saying "do practical things and turn a new page" is set up in Tianhe. [Photo/WeChat account: tianhefabu]

The bureau also built a one-stop public legal service station, created a joint investigation mechanism for conflicts and disputes, and innovated the "3+X" mediation method, helping with the district's legal services.

From 2016 to 2020, the Tianhe people's mediation committee accepted 26,207 mediation cases, of which 25,910 were mediated successfully, with a mediation success rate of 98.87 percent. It handled 7,138 legal aid cases, provided legal advice for 23,165 people and offered legal assistance in 7,359 cases.

The "3+X" mediation method was selected in the 2021 Guangzhou reform and innovation experience copy and promotion list to be promoted around the city. The Linhe Justice Office under the Tianhe district justice bureau won the title of "National Advanced Unit of the People's Mediation".

In addition, the bureau has been improving its services to promote the sound development of the district's legal environment.

By the end of 2021, a total of 10,274 lawyers and 314 law offices chose to settle in Tianhe, respectively accounting for 37.65 percent and 50.92 percent of Guangzhou's total.